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The killer whale is the largest known species of dolphin. This exposes its common name as a rather silly one. (Silly, just like so many others, such as the: mantis shrimp (not a shrimp or a mantis), electric eel (not an eel), starfish or cuttlefish (not fish), sea cucumber (not a vegetable, though it sure looks like a disembodied rectum), king cobra (not a cobra), horny toad (not a toad), red panda (not a panda), koala bear (not a bear), maned wolf (not a wolf)... See, we just love doing this.) In recent years many have preferred a different the name, not because the species is, in fact, a dolphin and not a whale but because some don’t like the negative association imposed by the name “killer”. Those folks prefer "orca". But that too is silly, as the name orca derives from the organism’s scientific name, Orcinus orca, where, in Latin, Orcinus means “from Hell”.

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