PEOPLE: “Folks today expect bananas all year round!”
BANANAS: “Oh Humans, we Bananas are not a seasonal crop. That's the first thing you need to acknowledge. Please. More than that, people like yourself have worked ceaselessly to extend the availability of food of all sorts for no less than 10,000 years. This is expressly the reason you’ve nearly eliminated hunger and nutrient deficiency, which was the universal condition for always. Of course, this says nothing of the elimination of bland and monotonous diets. Clearly that has been a tremendous boon. If one believes humans must artificially limit the availability of a non-seasonal crop like bananas just to align with one's weird ideological demand scarcity (or, what abstinence?), claiming that these are necessary features of the human experience and essential to demonstrating one's political commitments and moral righteousness, well, it displays only one's perfect confusion. It’s true, perhaps we Bananas don't need to travel 15,000 km; but also please appreciate that ‘eat local’ is the surest way to destroy the ecosystem and starve.
Sincerely, A. Banan”