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NADAV: It’s difficult to understand how we aren’t gleefully waltzing toward a global war.

VANDANA: And the real thing, not the isolated pseudo-conflicts we’ve been dabbling in for two decades.

NADAV: Yeah.

VANDANA: Indeed, that’s my sense. And I've been hearing others riffing about this.

NADAV: These things just seem to spark off. Do they not? I'm no historian.

VANDANA: Folks have to want it, I suppose. But there are loads of triggers and slopes.

NADAV: And how many conflicts, in how many locations, of what severity before they converge kind of osmotically?

VANDANA: Indeed, it's hard to see how all the build-up and attention and tribalist passions and tit-for-tat fails to land us in an ugly place. Like, not even the UN has any faith in the UN or its ability to stave off or intervene in conflict.

NADAV: Yeah. What I don’t understand is that, troublingly, everyone appears to know many of the details pretty well, or well enough.

VANDANA: And you think that folks should be more vocal about their opposition to war? Or would be if they better connected some of those dots?

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