My question is: Has there been an international moratorium established to prevent the sharing of negative images, video, or audio of right-wing extremists in the media? I searched "Ottawa protest" and then clicked on all the seemingly negative articles I could find from outside of Canada (anything containing words like: volatile, crisis, fringe, insurrection, siege, occupation, arrests, state of emergency, overthrow the government, and the like...)
After dozens of articles, I still hadn't come across a single photo, screen shot, video, or audio clip that looked even vaguely negative. Eventually I gave up. Everywhere were images of happy folks waving maple leaf flags and holding signs emblazoned with "mandate freedom" or "my body, my choice". Where were the pitchforks and guns, burning effigies and crosses? Why no fights or middle fingers? Why not so much as a snarl or frown?
What does that mean?
Are local, national, and international media outlets all secretly on the side of these militant neo-Nazis – even while they host academic, political, and law enforcement authorities who tell us that nothing less than a nation-wide Fascist insurrection is presently underway?
Why can I see Trudeau in black-face, Antifa setting a federal courthouse alight, or a statue of Queen Victoria being painted, torn down, and destroyed by college kids on the evening news but not a single trucker saying something ignorant? Who are we protecting and from what? And aren't stupid people typically keen to share their stupid views and misspell them on banners and t-shirts? Why am I being assured third-hand (by a member of the Ottawa police board or the federal Minister of Transport or an Alberta law professor) that all of this mayhem and malice is happening and an elaborate, premeditated, military-grade strategic attack funded by the Chinese but with zero evidence forwarded? And why is this the standard after "Iraq is stockpiling weapons of mass destruction" and decades of more of the same? Do they believe we aren't exposed to an endless barrage of bullshit on our highways, in our classrooms, or local coffee shops, or on social media? Why not offer anything approximating a shred of what any of us would call evidence? Why no screenshot of an evil manifesto? Why not one hateful slogan? And if these are monsters (or Chinese or Russian agents, or just people terribly confused about mandates), then how hard could it be to discredit them and bring the whole thing down with nothing more than the airing of their own silly words?