T’wi: You should let me look at your resume.
Zah: Haven’t I?
T’wi: Well that was a long time ago.
Zah: Well, if I recall, you were pleasantly surprised with what you found. No?
T’wi: Sure. But that was a different context. I’d like to see it honed to a specific job. To see how you're adjusting it in light of a given job ad.
Zah: But what are you saying? I think you’re suggesting that my unemployment status is strongly connected to an inability to compose a resume or meet the criteria on a job application or write a compelling, or just relevant, cover letter. And I think you know that isn’t what’s happening here.
T’wi: No. Not at all. I just think you might like another set of eyes.
Zah: I'm happy to run all my job applications passed you. But, again, why is now different? Why was your previous look insufficient? What has changed? What more are you bringing to the table?
T’wi: I just think you could use someone else looking at what you’re doing.
Zah: Well, I’ve shared my resume and cover letters with you and with Zandi, too. And you're aware of that.
T’wi: Okay.