Kyagulani Mutumbo: Swift can't sing.
Matudana Kyninyi: Totally. No one in the music industry can sing.
Kyagulani Mutumbo: Yeah. Obviously.
Matudana Kyninyi: Everyone knows that.
Kyagulani Mutumbo: Tone deaf. All of them.
Matudana Kyninyi: If you believe in 'tones'. Only a monster would believe in tones. I don't even like to say the word.
Kyagulani Mutumbo: Yeah. Obviously. Not tone deaf but bad at singing.
Matudana Kyninyi: They can't sing, they're not 'bad at singing'. I don't think you get it.
Kyagulani Mutumbo: I totally get it. No one can sing. I've said that before. You can ask anyone. I was just trying to convince my mother, who wouldn't believe me. But it's just so obvious.
Matudana Kyninyi: It is. I made these t-shirts. I should send you one.
Kyagulani Mutumbo: I'd love one.