This is a list of films I'd like you to watch. Some of these will blow your mind or lift your spirit; some are more like a pleasant though uneventful walk through the forest; others will do psychic damage so terrific your great-grandchildren will need counselling. You're welcome. Some of these I love and others I feel are just terrible. I think all of them help us understand who and where we are, what we're up to and where we need to go...
The Act of Killing - Joshua Oppenheimer - 2012
Ai Weiwei: Never Sorry - Alison Klayman - 2012
Angry Inuk - Alethea Arnaquq-Baril - 2016
A Woman Captured - Bernadett Tuza-Ritter - 2017
The Barkley Marathons: The Race That Eats Its Young - Annika Iltis & Timothy Kane - 2014
Beltracchi: The Art of Forgery - Arne Birkenstock - 2014
Beware of Mr. Baker - Jay Bulger - 2012
The Birth of Saké - Erik Shirai - 2015
The Boy With the Incredible Brain - Steve Gooder - 2005
The Century of the Self - Adam Curtis - 2002
Chasing Ice - Jeff Orlowski - 2012
The Cove - Louie Psihoyos - 2009
Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father - Kurt Kuenne - 2008
The Devil and Daniel Johnston - Jeff Feuerzeig - 2005
Devil at the Crossroads: A Robert Johnson Story - Brian Oakes - 2019
Dirty Wars - Rick Rowley - 2013
Ella Fitzgerald: Just One of Those Things - Leslie Woodhead - 2019
Examined Life - Astra Taylor - 2008
Finders Keepers - Bryan Carberry & Clay Tweel - 2015
Finding Vivian Maier - John Maloof & Charlie Siskel - 2013
The Flat - Arnon Goldfinger - 2011
GasLand - Josh Fox - 2010
Good Hair - Jeff Stilson - 2009
The Hole Story - Richard Desjardins & Robert Monderie - 2011
How to Survive a Plague - David France - 2012
I Am Not Your Negro - Raoul Peck - 2016
Icarus - Bryan Fogel - 2017
Immortal - Ksenia Okhapkina - 2019
Inside Job - Charles Ferguson - 2010
The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz - Brian Knappenberger - 2014
Into Eternity - Michael Madsen - 2010
Iris - Albert Maysles - 2014
Jiro Dreams of Sushi - David Gelb - 2011
Joan Didion: The Center Will Not Hold - Griffin Dunne - 2017
Jodorowsky’s Dune - Frank Pavich - 2013
Killing Patient Zero - Laurie Lynd - 2019
The Last Forest - Luiz Bolognesi - 2021
Léolo - Jean-Claude Lauzon - 1992
The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52 - Joshua Zeman - 2021
Loving Vincent - Dorota Kobiela & Hugh Welchman - 2017
The Punk Singer - Sini Anderson - 2013
Maker of Monsters: The Extraordinary Life of Beau Dick - Natalie Boll & LaTiesha Fazakas - 2017
Manufactured Landscapes - Jennifer Baichwal - 2006
Mary and Max - Adam Elliot - 2009
Mercury 13 - David Sington & Heather Walsh - 2018
Microcosmos - Claude Nuridsany & Marie Pérennou - 1996
Mr. Jones - Agnieszka Holland - 2020
My Beautiful Broken Brain - Sophie Robinson & Lotje Sodderland - 2014
Puff: Wonders of the Reef - Nick Robinson - 2021
Restrepo - Tim Hetherington & Sebastian Junger - 2010
Rivers and Tides: Andy Goldsworthy Working with Time - Thomas Riedelsheimer - 2001
Salinger - Shane Salerno - 2013
Salt for Svanetia (Соль Сванетии) - Mikhail Kalatozov - 1930
Salt of the Earth - Juliano Salgado & Wim Wenders - 2014
Searching for Sugar Man - Malik Bendjelloul - 2012
SG̲aawaay Ḵ’uuna - Gwaai Edenshaw & Helen Haig-Brown - 2018
The Socalled Movie - Garry Beitel - 2010
Sour Grapes - Reuben Atlas & Jerry Rothwell - 2016
Steak (R)evolution - Franck Ribière - 2014
Struggle: The Life and Lost Art of Szukalski - Ireneusz Dobrowolski - 2018
Sushi: The Global Catch - Mark Hall - 2011
Take Your Pills - Alison Klayman - 2018
Tanna - Martin Butler & Bentley Dean - 2015
There Are No Fakes - Jamie Kastner - 2019
Titicut Follies - Frederick Wiseman - 1967
To Be and to Have - Nicolas Philbert - 2002
The Truffle Hunters - Michael Dweck & Gregory Kershaw - 2021
Vessel - Diana Whitten - 2014
Waking Life - Richard Linklater - 2001
Waltz With Bashir - Ari Folman - 2008
The Weather Underground - Sam Green & Bill Siegel - 2002
We Feed the World - Erwin Wagenhofer - 2005
What Happened, Miss Simone? - Liz Garbus - 2015
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts - Spike Lee - 2007
Where to Invade Next - Michael Moore - 2015
Who Killed Malcolm X? - Rachel Dretzin & Phil Bertelsen - 2020
Winter of Fire - Evgeny Afineevsky - 2015
The Yes Men - Dan Ollman, Sarah Price, & Chris Smith - 2003
