It's not like we haven't been up against ecological catastrophe many times before in my short life. But in the past we just did it differently. When the ozone hole was first noticed and spreading was documented, we didn't shame users of refrigerators or hairspray and we didn't ask them to use these less. There were no spots on the CBC about "12 ways to reduce your ozone hole impact" or "Why having kids will kill the ozone." The job would never have gotten done if we had done that. And when acid rain was devastating lakes and destroying ancient temples, we didn't demand the public limit their electricity use and steel purchases. There were no newspaper or magazine pieces titled "How you're destroying our cultural heritage" or "Three ways your family can stop poisoning our lakes." If we had, the job never would have gotten done! Instead, someone had the common sense to regulate producers. It's that hard. Doing so on CO2 would have all this over and done with inside a decade.
