These tweets are from the accounts of directors of Middle Eastern studies, investigative journalists, media companies, Palestinian education organizations, educators, activists, and the like: people who appear to be serious and who seem to be acting seriously, who will tell you this is a subject they're passionate about and a piece of information that is important to get out to the world. They're all sharing the same video from the same source but giving the site five different labels.
The Israeli army yesterday using mines to blow up the University of Palestine. All four of Gaza’s universities as well as over 350 schools and its public library have now been destroyed by Israeli strikes. This is about total destruction. Genocide.
Israeli military forces used 315 mines to blow up the University of Palestine in Gaza.
It is never a good idea to blow up a university. In this case Israel blows up the Palestine University in # Gaza with 315 mines.
جيش الاحتلال يقوم بتفجير جامعة فلسطين في غزة بواسطة 315 لغم
Translated from Arabic:
“The occupation army blows up Palestine University in Gaza with 315 mines”
Israeli occupation forces completely destroyed the building belonging to Al-Azhar University in Gaza. One day we will rebuild all the buildings they destroyed and from the river to the sea will be free. # IsraelWarCriminal
Al-Azhar University in the southern part of Gaza City. Wait for it!
This week in Palestinian higher education: Monday: Israeli forces stormed An-Najah University in the West Bank, detaining 25 students. Wednesday: Destruction of Gaza's Al-Israa University by Israeli army. Yesterday: Islamic University of Gaza bombed once again. # CeaseFireNow
Israel blow up Al-Israa University campus in Gaza after using it as their base for weeks. The attack destroyed the national museum established by the university, containing more than 3 thousand rare artifacts which the Israeli army allegedly stole.
Sarah Wilkinson - @swilkinsonbc
In an act of barbaric aggression, the israelis blow up al-Israa University in Gaza city — revered as a beacon of education # AirDropAidForGaza
Middle East Monitor - @MiddleEastMnt
Journalist confronts US State Dept. over Gaza University destruction In a tense press briefing, journalist Matt Lee presses US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller about Israel’s demolition of a university in Gaza. Lee criticises the State Department’s lack of commentary, prompting Miller to acknowledge the issue is being discussed with Israeli authorities...
Israel Headline News - @IsraelHeadline
Video shows Israeli army demolishing abandoned building claimed to be Gaza University. Incident linked to retaliation for Hamas attack.
@m__almasmari - محمد عبدالله المسمري
إذا لم يكن هذا هو الأرهاب فماهو الارهاب ؟ 315 قنبلة التي وضعها الجيش الاسرائلي داخل جامعة غزة ثم قام بتفجيرها
Translated from Arabic:
"If this is not terrorism, then what is terrorism? 315 bombs that the Israeli army placed inside Gaza University and then detonated"